Jun 22

Odin Holmes

Bringing full static checking to bare metal

Bringing full static checking to bare metal von Odin Holmes

Far too many if the bugs I have found over the years in open source, vendor supplied and my own embedded code are trivial and embarrassing, not complex.
Typos in masks, corrupting reserved bits, forgetting the volatile keyword or ignoring special cases like clear-on-read or one-to-clear bits.
Unit testing would find many of the rest but with typical C tools it comes at a cost.
The Kvasir open source library aims to eliminate all these error sources by encoding all available information into a compile time readable form, we also offer a more powerful form of expressing reordering rules, elevating the user to a higher level of abstraction while maintaining the familiar look and feel of a C like API.
In short: you will never need volatile or masks again, you cannot corrupt reserved bits and you can unit test all the way down to the hardware.

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